

The internship is a mandatory part of the master programme. The internship of a period of 3-4 or 7-8 weeks (5 or 11 ECTS) allows the student to get professional experience in marine and lacustrine related fields. In addition to theoretical classes, application into practice is an essential part of the programme.
An internship proposal must be sent via Matix. Students receive a login for Matix at the start of the academic year.
Examples of internships of Oceans & Lakes students can be found here. Below you can see some pictures of our student Axelle Defossez, who did her internship at Okeanos (University of Azores, Portugal). Her internship focused on turtle conservation, and her tasks included tagging, retrieving and releasing several turtle species; monitoring juvenile turtles before release, and analysing biometrics from local fisheries.